Modular Armour
A Minecraft Mod that’s goal was to make “the only armor set you ever needed”. It received over half a million downloads. Made in my spare time during high school and honestly not very good. Taught me a lot though.
Written in entirely self-taught Java.
This was an attempt to write my own compiler for Kotlin/Swift/Something Else that would compile to readable C. The idea behind it was that I hated my classes in college that would require raw C, as I missed a ton of the features from other languages. My obvious solution was to write a compiler that would take a subset of Kotlin/Swift and turn it into C code that I could then submit to professors.
I did end up using it for a couple of assignments, but unfortunately for my plans I didn’t take into account making a compiler takes longer than a semester and by that point I was out of C classes, so it was never finished. Learned a ton about compilers in the process though.
At this point, my personal projects dry up, as most everything I wrote was related to my job or never bothered releasing due to the small size.
This Site
This is my fourth? fifth? attempt at doing this. This started life as a super simple Jekyll instance hosted on GitHub pages, moved into a fancy AngularJS Application, and then died due to lack of maintenance and AngularJS being killed. I’ve revived it post Apple as a way to both advertise my job history (hello recruiters) and also complain about games in blog posts.
This time it’s a Hugo blog hosted on Cloudflare Pages, made with (at least currently) the Hugo Bear Blog Theme as I’ve given up trying to learn CSS well enough to make my own website from scratch.